Monday, July 03, 2006
News and new pics

As many of you know, Liz went back in for a second surgery on March 25 -- her shunt had a bad or clogged valve and fluid was going around it instead of through it. The good news is, it looks like everything is fine now -- it took a few months of her sleeping semi-upright for everything to heal up, but she is now looking good and has a good report from the doctor.
She's working on sleeping through the night, but still not that great at it -- we are doing sleep training, which is not fun but is necessary.
In any case, it's been a while since I posted, so here are some new pictures of the kids:

Here is Liz eating squash. She's gotten a lot better at it -- but it's still a messy proposition.

Creighton likes to lay down on the carpet with Liz -- she loves it too. Basically, she loves any attention she gets from him. She has started grabbing at his head and clothes when he is near enough, and they both get a big kick out of it.

Finally, Liz is able to sit up by herself for brief periods -- she is a little slumpy, but once again is making progress.